Turquoise in lithotherapy:


On a spiritual and emotional level:

It is a stone harmonizing the body and mind, it protects against bad energies and electromagnetic waves. It is a very good protective stone. It stimulates the throat chakra, the communication chakra, and avoids psychological blockages. It develops intuition and empathy.

On a physical level:

It strengthens the eyes, liver and glands. It helps fight bacterial infections effectively.


Chakra n°5-throat chakra:

Communication, Choice, Creation, Expression, Freedom, Responsibility, Will,

Learn more about chakras

Astrological signs :

 Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpio

Know the stone associated with your sign:

Purification: The stones have been handled on various occasions, so they must be purified to reap the benefits and chase away the negative energies that are absorbed by the stone. There are several ways to recharge the stone. Most risk damaging your jewelry. The only one that we recommend and the simplest is to place your jewelry inside a scallop shell for 24 hours. The scallop must have a serration of at least 12 rays and a black triangle at the bottom. You can pick it up at the seaside, at your fishmonger, in a supermarket... Even if it is put in the oven or in the freezer it retains its virtues. It is the shape waves that act, that is to say only the shape of the shell that counts. To clean your stones and recharge them, simply place them in the scallop shell every evening.

This information is given for information purposes only. They cannot in any way constitute medical information, nor engage our liability , and also with regard to the resurfacing of stones by methods other than that which is recommended.